I have thin, fine hair, always have, and I though I always would. I have also always been very low key with my hair, and beauty in general. Every shower I would lose hair, and I had waves where this got worse, including summer of 2021. That’s when I decided I needed to make a big shift.

I believe that this - being intentional about caring for my hair - was a game changer. I had always been almost too laid back about my hair care, never putting in a big effort to nurture this part of myself. The other thing was diet - adding more animal protein back into my diet was key for my hair health. I will share a couple supplements below that I believe supported my hair growth. I believe these two changes - in mindset & lifestyle - helped, but I know the products below completely changed my hair over the last year.

It is important to note that hair takes time to repair and grow. It is deeply affected by stress, and it is cyclical. If you are working on healing your hair, expect for it to take one to three months to see any results (i.e. less hair in shower drain), six months to see more thickness, and a year to start to gain length.

Monat is highly customizable - I suggest starting with taking the Monat Quiz. It recommends the perfect products for your hair type and potential needs. My favorites are recommended on the left - I’ve also used the Black and Volumizing Shampoos, I tend to cycle them!

Agent Nateur

This is my favorite skincare brand and their haircare has a cult following. The founder sources the very best ingredients available, which is the game changer for this brand. She is highly intentional with how she formulates each and every product, and uses them herself. Same with Monat - the testimonials are incredible! I will also say that the collagen powder, I have never been super consistent with it - I believe if you are taking it daily you will see even more amazing results.

Agent Nateur Holi Mane

Agent Natuer Holi Locks


I have tried MANY hair-focused oral supplements over the years, from taking Biotin for literally years with no success, to all the “hair” focused blends that are out these days. Nothing worked. I believe the following supplements, though, have contributed to my hair health and growth.

Cod Liver Oil: This is the purest natural form of retinol, vitamin A, available. There are many studies showing the positive effects of topical retinol on treating hair issues - as severe as allopecia. Cod Liver Oil is rich in vitamin A - retinol, vitamin D, and omega fatty acids. I have seen a huge difference in my skin, hair, and energy levels since integrating it - I prefer the softgels but you can also take the oil.

Vitamin E: E is a vital nutrient, especially to balance the enormous amounts of poly unsaturated fats in modern diets and to fight the negative effects of excess estrogen. I love this supplement, it has definitely increased my energy and I see such a difference in my hair and nails when I take it regularly.


I tried a lot of volumizing and growth boosting shampoos and products. One of them worked - except for Monat. I started using it a year ago after hearing about its success from a woman I follow on Instagram in wellness who I trust. That said - I would see these transformation hair videos and I didn’t fully believe it was possible for me. I can now say a year later - it is science-forward clean beauty that works. I have never had such long thick hair in my life!

Intense Repair Clinical Shampoo

Intense Repair Clinical Conditioner

Hair Thinning Treatment

Rejuvanique Oil Treatment