Hi, I’m Kelly

I’m a stay at home mother of three, a wellness entrepreneur, a writer and poet, a visionary, an eternal student. I am never not pondering the big questions: who am I? Why are we here? Who is God? What is the purpose of creation? Why is life designed the way it is, with all its beauty and heartbreak?

My mission in life is to be fully alive, fully present. To continuously grow, uncovering new layers of my Self, and aligning with my highest destiny for this life. To become ever more vibrant, radiant, compassionate, joyful.

And that’s what I am here to help you do too. Even in the messiness of modern motherhood.

You see, holding a cosmic perspective, zooming out to see the bigger picture, being curious about who we are and why we are here, this cosmic perspective, is in fact the KEY to being present. To being fully alive. To being our most multidimensional, expansive selves, and living that daily - with a heart full of gratitude.

My gift is my perspective. That’s what I’m here to share with you. I share my wild thoughts, to inspire and sometimes challenge your ways of thinking. I teach my methods for freeing my mind in this way and exploring this cosmic lens on life, all to help you rewire your mind, open up new pathways, and shift you into a more positive, expansive mindset.

It’s time. To be present in you life - your one, wild, precious.

A little more about me and my background…

I live with my three sons, the love of my life, our golden retriever, and my horse, on a wild little farm on the Connecticut River. If you’re curious about me, I have…

  • Founded, owned, and operated an infrared sauna studio & wellness boutique

  • Coached, guided, taught meditation and intuition to one-on-one clients

  • Done on Astrology, Human Design, and Numerology for one-on-one client

  • Spent countless hours reading, researching, studying, and most importantly experiencing a vast array of healing modalities and spiritual paths

  • Dropped out of Health Coaching school, completed a certificate as a Lactation Counselor, and completed multi-year programs in coaching through esoteric systems of self-understanding

  • Worked in an array of fields including interior design, a tech startup, furniture buying, and corporate communications

  • Graduated from Harvard University with a degree in History & Literature.